FREE 5 Day Energy Reboot For Busy Moms

Learn my system to feel good & look good this summer 

If you are tired of feeling tired and want to make the most of your summer take these 5 days to focus on YOU! It is the best gift you can give your family to feel and look your best inside and out!

This challenge begins June 6th, 2022

I'm Ready. Save my SPOT!

5 DAYS. 5 LESSONS. 5 Daily Habits 

During this live, interactive training event (For women only), you’ll reshape your thinking in a way that makes healthy decisions feel natural and easy. Over the 5 days I will help you

  • Move your body and feel the benefits of movement as you reshape your thinking on fitness no matter how many times you have started and stopped a program in the past. 
  • Instead of beating yourself up for eating too much or the wrong things start working with your body rather than fighting hunger and working against it
  • Have you been feeling distracted, overwhelmed, irritated, resentful, guilty, short on time or all of the above?  We pause, find PEACE & connect with ourselves so we can serve and connect with those around us. Think…. more present
  • We drop the mom guilt, trying to do everything on our own & potentially giving attention to the wrong things to simplify & focus on the essentials. This is such a refreshing concept in our training as the summer can feel chaotic and overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to.
  •  Create a bulletproof method of the Daily 5 that guarantees you’ll start your day full of energy instead of hitting the snooze button multiple times 

 Hey I'm Nancy Taylor

I’m a pilot wife, youtuber, mom of 3 littles & nutrition and fitness coach!

It wasn’t until I had my third child that my confidence was a bit shaken. I felt isolated, unsure of who I was or what I was doing… like I was floating in water without much direction…   

I believe God put this in my path so that I could get really clear on where my energy and drive were coming from in the first place. My search for an external answer led me right back to myself. It was inside me the whole time & it is inside you too!




This challenge begins June 6th, 2022

I'm Ready. Save my SPOT!